My Story

For years, I would go to local craft fairs and find homemade soap. Oatmeal for the winter, and lemongrass for the summer to deter bugs. Then one Christmas, my family decided to make homemade gifts. Each person would have to come up with their own idea and make it for everyone. I thought the perfect idea was making my own soap!

I started off with some simple kits and found it fun. I started making small batches of soap year-round and would always make some for friends and family for the holidays. I loved trying new ideas and projects. Making soap that looked like a blueberry tart or using shimmering mica to add depth into bar soap.

After the first few years, I branched out into more than just soap. I dove into all bath products, anything I found interesting. Including hair masks, body butters and scrubs, and candles. After giving this as gifts for years, friends encouraged me to start selling. That's how Relaxing Red Admiral was born. Red Admirals are a type of butterflies, one of my favorites. I decided to make my business around that to combine my love for butterflies and my love for making these fun bath products. I hope I can share my products with you, and you will fall in love with them as well.

Products throughout the years